Sunday, October 7, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Isn't she clever!

I'm a huge fan of the Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma/Crate and Barrel look.  Just not such a fan of the prices... Well Beckie at Knock Off Decor seems to share my feelings.  But she's much better at doing something about it!  Look at some of the amazing ideas she has collected:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Soda stream

My daughter loves soda.  There, I said it.  I'm not a bad mom but what can you do?   One solution I've come up with is to make our own.  No, I'm not stirring a witches pot of ingredients on a daily basis.  I took the easy way out and bought a Soda Stream machine.  It was a Christmas present to myself and you know what?  I love it!

In fact, I love it so much that I went out and bought the fancier version so that it could be displayed on my bar!   To be honest, I think that the glass bottles are a little harder to clean but they do look nice enough to leave on the table during dinner...

Of course now it seems that the "fancy" version I bought last year has been retooled... but I'm sure it works just as well.
RIP Sodastream Penguin...

The company makes about a million soda flavors which mimic the most popular brands but with lower sugar and les preservatives (and shorter shelf life) but my favorite is just plain carbonated water.  Such a simple girl LOL

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Expats

I love books.  Lately I haven't had much time to read and have been forced to get my reading 'fix' through audiobooks.  And one I highly recommend is called The Expats by Chris Pavone.  If you like a good thriller then Chris is your guy.

I learned of the book through an interview on the radio where the author spoke about the experience of moving his whole family to Europe so that his wife could pursue a career opportunity.  He found himself as a househusband and began to write about that experience.  However, as Chris explained, expanding upon the tedium of his daily life made for a tedius story.  So he decided to spice it up a bit.

Tackling the question of how much do we really ever know about others, including those close to us, resulted in an absolutely engrossing novel.  I highly reccomend that you check it out.  And it's also available as an audiobook from the Overdrive system at many local libraries (i.e. free!)  Ch Ch Check it out.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Once upon a time I used to ride horses.  A lot.  And when you ride horses a lot, you also occasionally fall off.  After one such lovely event a friend noticed my bruises and shared a secret with me.  See, she was a Black Belt in Karate and was occasionally banged up herself. 

She said try taking Arnica Montana and you'll see that your bruises and swelling will go away much more quickly.  And they did.  It's genius!  


You can find Arnica just like this at your local Whole Foods in the Vitamin aisle and if you like it, you can buy larger quantities more affordably online.  Give it a try- you'll thank me!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why didn't I think of that??

Taylor Swift makes a million dollars every time she breaks up with some loser then writes a song about it. Why didn't I think of that?!?